
Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Easily one of the most important advances in surveillance systems is the advent of remote DVR viewer technology, allowing people to monitor live video camera feeds from outside of a daycare facility using a network or internet connection.

For daycares, and the parents who take their kids to the daycare, this is incredibly important. Some day care centers are using CCTV cameras to allow parents to log in remotely to check on their children.

Allowing parents to login remotely using a DVR viewer application allows the day care to offer this special service to parents which they will certainly appreciate. It gives parents the peace of mind they need to know that their children are safe; when you're having a tough day at work, nothing is better than taking a peek at your child playing with his or her friends and knowing that they are safe.

Stop by our website to see the many CCTV, DVR viewer and other secutiry options we offer, or call us at 1-877-821-4880.

1 comment :

  1. Day Care Security Cameras, Security Alarms and Fire Alarms have grown due to the laws trying to protect our children at these facilities. I really think st.louis and st.charles has given much in this area.
